Sun, Jul 14 '19, 14:20
Can the Prono ads be removed from this site.
Like seriously why does this site have nsfw porn ads. Its so annoying and distracting to see like there's not alot of nsfw content here. Most of the art i see here is tame and sfw. I would really like to know why there's so much porn ads here especially since they have nothing to do with fnaf at all.
Mon, Jul 15 '19, 00:05
get an adblocker u rart
Mon, Jul 15 '19, 01:32
Install the uBlock Origin extension for your web browser. If you're using Firefox, go to Add-ons (ctrl + shift + A), click Extensions, and search for uBlock Origin. If you're using Chrome, go to More Tools, then Extensions, and search for the same thing.
Mon, Jul 15 '19, 19:37
Okay i got the adblocker on but that still doesn't answer my question on why this site has porno ads to begin with.
Mon, Jul 15 '19, 23:40
Booru needs money to stay up, McDonalds and other "family" companies don't want ads on a site that has titties and penis.
Thu, Jul 18 '19, 10:22
I made the ads. It was me. I did it all.

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